To Heat Up the Atmosphere of the Cease-fire Region

To Heat Up the Atmosphere of the Cease-fire Region
USS Carl Vinson

Warm greetings from Pyongyang!

Recently the U.S. and its following forces are more blatantly committing the extremely dangerous military confrontation moves of leading the situation on the Korean Peninsula to the brink of war.
The U.S. is going to stage the large-scale joint military exercises Freedom Shield 2025, an aggressive and confrontational war rehearsal, in collusion with the ROK military gangsters to heat up the atmosphere of the cease-fire region in March.

What should not be overlooked is that the enemies are scheming to apply the "OPLAN 2022", aimed at a "preemptive attack" on the nuclear weapons facilities of the DPRK, in the current exercises under the "guidelines for nuclear deterrence and nuclear operations" cooked up and published in July 2024.

Such military hysteria of the U.S., which is surely going on irrespective of the policy ambiguity inevitably witnessed with the regime change, clearly proves the instinctive anti-DPRK practice of the U.S. engrossed in sanctions, pressure and confrontation, being seized by its inveterate hostility toward the DPRK.

The U.S. and the ROK decided to sharply increase the number of field mobile drills by units of brigade-level and above than last year, simultaneously conduct the second-stage joint command and control drill of the U.S. Space Force present in the ROK aimed at verifying the capability of space operation assistance in the region in case of contingency on the Korean peninsula and employ the generative artificial intelligence on an experimental basis during the joint military exercises. All the facts go to clearly show the multi-domain and all-round offensive nature of Freedom Shield.

Obviously, the U.S. intends to push the situation in the Korean peninsula and the region to an uncontrollable phase by ceaselessly staging in a gradual and wavelike way Freedom Shield and other large-scale war drills and thus perpetuate the vicious cycle structure of provocation and tension.

Under this confrontation and hegemony-oriented line of the U.S., strategic means including the nuclear submarine Alexandria, B-1B strategic bombers and the nuclear carrier Carl Vinson are constantly deployed in the Korean peninsula and reckless aerial espionages and all kinds of joint military exercises are being staged one after another. Such acts are increasing the legitimate security concerns of not only the DPRK but also regional countries.

The increase in the visibility of deployment of U.S. strategic means on the Korean peninsula and the U.S.-led bilateral and multilateral war rehearsals reminding one of the actual war prove more evidently that the DPRK should be the most thoroughgoing and more overwhelming in deterring the enemies' various anti-DPRK nuclear war threats.

Korean Committee for Solidarity with World People (KCSWP) has a firm belief that the progressive peace & justice-loving people of the whole world should clearly appreciate that the root cause of escalating tension on the Korean Peninsula is just the military confrontation scheme of the U.S.-led enemy forces, including the large-scale joint military exercises, and more vigorously carry out the activities of solidarity to denounce and check it.

Korean Committee for Solidarity with World People (KCSWP)



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