Key Policies of WPK

In recent years the Workers’ Party of Korea has made public some important policies and directed efforts to their thorough implementation, which attracted the attention of the international community.

Shaping Future on Strength of Affection for Rising Generation

In June 2021 the WPK announced a new childcare policy whose gist is supplying all the children across the country with dairy products and other nutritive foodstuffs at state expense.

As regards the enforcement of that policy, General Secretary Kim Jong Un said as follows:

It is the most important policy and supreme desire of the Workers’ Party of Korea and the state to provide more improved conditions for bringing up children even at the cost of huge sums of money. It should be the mode of advance and development of the Korean revolution to devote more sincerity to children even if the conditions become worse and to advance more vigorously towards the future of communism on the strength of that love. When the rising generations eat well and grow healthily in good environment from their childhood, our society will be full of that much vigour and vitality after 20 and 30 years and the national power of the DPRK will grow stronger.

Providing People with More Civilized Life

Nowadays, housing construction goes ahead on an extensive scale in the DPRK. For the last three years more than 10 000 flats have been built in Pyongyang alone every year.

Simultaneously, lots of farmhouses have been built in different parts of the country to suit the regional features. Still now, local media cover house moving events almost every day. Such reality is attributable to the WPK’s policy of building 50 000 flats in the capital city and farmhouses in rural regions.

It should not be overlooked that all these achievements have been made thanks mainly to the intention of Kim Jong Un to basically transform the living environment for the whole population within 20 or 30 years.

A New Avenue for Regional Prosperity Opened Up

In January the WPK advanced the Regional Development 20×10 Policy which indicated the new blueprint for regional-industry development, true to the far-reaching plan of Kim Jong Un. Now it is pushing the project in good earnest.

The new policy is aimed at building modern regional-industry factories in 20 counties every year so as to upgrade the basic material and cultural living standards of the people across the country within 10 years.

In August the WPK set forth a new policy of accelerating the implementation of the historic cause of regional rejuvenation by pushing the construction of public health facilities, sci-tech learning spaces and grain management stations, in parallel with the ongoing construction of regional-industry factories.

Given that the country still faces a lot of shortages, it would not be easy to implement the policy. However, the Korean people are determined to carry it out and are sure of its feasibility.

The WPK and the Korean people believe that the implementation of the policy would help towards markedly reducing the regional lop-sidedness in the people’s living standards, promote the characteristic development of regional industries and in turn foster a simultaneous, comprehensive and balanced development of the whole nation that conforms to the era of overall development of socialism.



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