Letter to H.E. Kim Jong Un on the 76th Anniversary Founding of the DPRK.

Letter to H.E. Kim Jong Un on the 76th Anniversary Founding of the DPRK.

H.E Kim Jong Un,
General Secretary Workers Party of Korea,
President State Affairs Commission DPRK,
Commander DPRK Arm Forces.

Dear Excellency,

On the 9th September the world progressive and peace loving forces will commemorate the 76th anniversary of the founding of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the Asia Pacific Regional Committee of Friendship and Solidarity with the Korean People (APRCFSKP) extends to you and the Korean people best wishes and solidarity greetings on this historic anniversary.

On this date 76 years ago President Kim IL Sung with the support of the all the Korean people announced the founding of the DPRK after the US imperialist forces and their South Korean lackeys prevented the will of the Korean people to unite their nation.

The founding of the DPRK brought about far reaching economic and social changes to the Korean people, land distribution to the peasants, nationalization of major industries, equal rights for women, democratic reforms.

Since its founding 76th years ago the DPRK has shined like a beacon lighting up the world and providing a pathway and inspiration for all progressive people who are struggling for their National Independence and against the forces of imperialism particularly US Imperialism.
Under the wise leadership of President Kim IL Sung, General Kim Jong IL and the Workers Party of Korea the Korean people overcame all of the difficulties and problems that confronted them while at the same time struck a huge blow to the military agenda of US imperialism in the "Victory of the Fatherland Liberation War."

Today the legacy of President Kim IL Sung and General Kim Jong IL lives on under the leadership of H.E Marshal Kim Jong Un and the Workers Party of Korea as the Korean people continue their march in building a powerful socialist state under the banner of Juche and the flag of Sungun Politics.

On this historic day we salute and join you and all the Korean people as we celebrate this momentous occasion.

Raymond Ferguson
Director Secretariat,

Teguh Santosa
Director Public Information Bureau,

Peter Wilson



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