Special Days in the Month of July 2024

Special Days in the Month of July 2024

July 08
As we are all very much aware, we will commemorate the 30th anniversary when President KIM IL SUNG, the eternal President of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and, the benevolent father of the Korean people and progressive mankind of the world passed away on July 8, 1994.

At present, the progressive mankind of the many countries in the five continents over the world are significantly celebrating the Day of the Sun as the common holiday of humankind and organizing various colorful functions on the occasion of the Day of the Sun.

In the DPRK, the Juche era was instituted in 1912 as the first year when Comrade KIM IL SUNG was born, the Day of the Sun was designated to immortalize April 15, the President’s birthday, the socialist constitution was amended and supplemented to codify that respected KIM IL SUNG is the eternal President of the DPRK and a series of undertakings have been carried forward to implement great leader’s ideology and cause to the last. All these undertakings are run through with the lofty tribute to President KIM IL SUNG.

President KIM IL SUNG, founder of the DPR of Korea and author of the great Juche idea has proved its validity and vitality in the struggle against imperialism and in furthering the cause of global independence and peace. Let us extend our full joint support to and solidarity with the just cause of the Korean people to build a strong and prosperous socialist country in the the world under the brilliant Songun leadership of respected His Excellency KIM JONG UN.

In this connection, this year, 2024, the Nepal-Korea Friendship Association, Nepal National Memorial Commission for President KIM IL SUNG and Comrade KIM JONG IL, and Asia-Pacific Regional Committee for Friendship and Solidarity with Korean People are jointly organizing a National Event in Nepal and Regional Hybrid Zoom Meeting to commemorate the 30th anniversary of His sad demise in Kathmandu, Nepal on 7th of July, Sunday, at 3.00 p.m. Jakarta time, as we are using this time for previous regional zoom meetings.

I hope you all have received an invitation to join us. If not, I humbly request you to join us and manage some time to grace us, your participation will be highly praised.
Date: July07, 2024, Sunday
Time: 15:00 Jakarta, Indonesia time
Zoom ID: 881 7695 3836
Passcode: 8M7ffy

July 17
His Excellency Marshal KIM JONG UN, Supreme Leader of the Korean people, party, armed forces, and President of the State Affairs of the DPRK, was honored with the title of Marshal of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on July 17, 2012. His Excellency Marshal KIM JONG UN is the Rising Sun of Songun Korea and peerlessly great General of Mt. Paektu, the true successor of the Korean Revolution.

APRCPRK and OCIFPGPPP are fully convinced that the final victory of the Korean Revolution will be realized under Marshal KIM JONG UN’s outstanding, farsighted, and experienced leadership.

July 27
This year 2024, July 27 marks the 71st anniversary of the Victory in the war against the imperialist rallied forces headed by the US. On this historic occasion of “International Solidarity Month with the Struggle of the Korean People June 25-July 27,  all the peace-loving progressive people and their social, political, and friendly organizations issue statements, and appeals recalling with deep emotion how the Korean people and army safeguarded its freedom and independence under the extraordinary leadership of President KIM IL SUNG crushed the legend of "mightiness" of US imperialism which boasted of being "the strongest" in the world. As a result, the US was forced to kneel before the Korean people to sign the Armistice Agreement on July 27, 1953, which is synonymous with a surrender document.

Let us celebrate Victory Day with the friendly Korean people together and express our firm support and solidarity expressing that the Korean people are not alone, instead entire people of the world who love and value peace, justice, and independence are with them.

Thank you.



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