Special Days in the Moth of March

Special Days in the Moth of March

March 01:
1st of March, this year 2024 will see the 31st anniversary of the publication of ' Abuses of Socialism Are Intolerable ' by the great leader comrade KIM JONG IL.

It was 31 years ago that the great leader comrade KIM JONG IL authored his classic treatise “Abuses of Socialism " to counter the defamations and abuse of socialism by the imperialists and world reactionaries following the counter-revolutions in some countries.

The work "Abuses of Socialism Are Intolerable " indicated a bold and decisive ideological counter-offensive against the slanders of the anti-socialist forces who took advantage of the frustration of socialism in some countries.

The work "Abuses of Socialism Are Intolerable " is as relevant as when it was published 31 years ago. It is a vital reading for Juche Idea followers and friends of People's Korea that should be read over and over again.

March 02:
After the Liberation of the Korean Peninsula from Japanese Military occupation, Great Leader Comrade KIM IL SUNG planted trees along with the leaders of the People’s mass organizations.

In memory of Great Leader Comrade KIM IL SUNG, may I suggest planting one tree in our homes, compounds, and neighboring areas wherever it may be possible! let us save our beautiful planet! Let us save the environment!

March 05:
This year 2024, on the 5th of March, the Korean workers and peasants along with all the Korean people are celebrating the 78th anniversary of the Agrarian Reform in People’s Korea.

March 08:
Let us greet the heroic Korean women in People’s Korea on International Women’s Day, March 08 along with all the women of the world. In the DPR of Korea, this day is celebrated as a public holiday and all the men prepare food for their women and children and offer their high respect for their everlasting affection to the children, the hope, and future leaders of the nation.

In People’s Korea women are equal to men and legalization is backed by practical measures such as free child care, free education, and free logistics.

March 31:
On March 31, 2013, the President of the State Affairs of the DPRK, the Supreme Leader of the Korean people His Excellency Marshal KIM JONG UN advanced the economic building up of the economy and nuclear-armed forces simultaneously.

March 31 is a significant historical day for safeguarding the international prestige of the Korean people as well as its sovereignty, therefore the Korean people are celebrating the 11th anniversary of this date as one glorious step added ahead in the history of the Juche Socialism and KIMILSUNGISM-KIMJONGILISM.

It is 11 years since His Excellency KIM JONG UN, President of State Affairs put forward the line of Pyongjin, the line of building the economy and nuclear force in parallel at the historic March 31st, 2013 plenary meeting of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea, It is a unique revolutionary line based on the Juche Idea and the Songun (Army-first) policy. People’s Korea has the line of building the economy and nuclear force in parallel.

The line of Pyongjin was put forward when the US imperialists, its puppets, and world reactionary forces were running wild to stifle people’s Korea and continuing nuclear war exercises one after another.

On this occasion, let all APRCFSKP and our member organizations in the region enthusiastically conduct various activities to glorify the immortal exploits of His Excellency Marshal KIM JONG UN in safeguarding and strengthening the peace of the Korean peninsula, which will automatically safeguard peace in the Asia Pacific and the world at large.



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