Special Days in the Month of February

Special Days in the Month of February

February 08:
On February 08, Juche 37 (1948), the great leader Comrade KIM IL SUNG founded the Korean People's Army, the main force of the national defense capabilities. Heroic Korean People's Army is much honored and well-known to the world for its extraordinary skills and dedication to save the dignity, sovereignty, and integrity of the DPRK in a very crucial situation too under the brilliant leadership of the great leaders.

February 10:
Lunar New Year's Day

12 February:
February 12 was the date when in 2013 DPR Korea achieved a new altitude to defend its integrity. On this date, the DPRK conducted successfully the 3rd self-defensive underground Nuclear Test as part of a practical measure to defend the national sovereignty and security.

February 14:
The great leader Comrade KIM JONG IL was honored with the title of the DPRK Generalissimo. Kim Jong Il exerted all his efforts to increase the national military strength to reliably safeguard the sovereignty of the country and stability in the region.

The reckless nuclear blackmail by the US resulted in the DPRK possessing a powerful nuclear deterrent. The days are gone forever when the US threatened the DPRK with nuclear weapons.   A century ago, Korea was forced to suffer the bitter lot of slavery as it had no proper weapon. However, today it is demonstrating far and wide the might of a world-class military power that possessed of nuclear deterrent. This constitutes the greatest exploit he performed.

On December 17, 2011, Dear Comrade KIM JONG IL passed away, and the title of Generalissimo of the DPRK was conferred on him on February 14, 2012, for his immortal exploits of turning his country into a world-class military power and leading to victory by dint of his brilliant leadership, unique in the political history of the world.
February 16:
February 16, Juche 113 (2024) marks the 82nd Birth Anniversary of the Great Leader Comrade KIM JONG IL.  

The Korean people observe this occasion as the nation’s greatest holiday the Day of the Shining Star which the world’s people advocating the cause of independence and justice, also view as a great occasion for celebration.

Born on Mt. Paektu, the sacred Mountain of the Korean Revolution leader KIM JONG IL grew up in the flames of the anti-Japanese war and worked with the great leader President KIM IL SUNG for many years as his greatest Comrade-in-arms and most faithful assistant in advancing the revolution and construction.

Today His Excellency KIM JONG UN, the Supreme leader of the Korean people is carrying forward the revolutionary cause pioneered by President KIM IL SUNG and Dear Leader Comrade KIM JONG IL and is demonstrating its might to the whole world as a country of Juche, a country of Songun.

February 24:
Jongwoldaeborum” (First Full Moon Day), the 15th day of the first month by the lunar calendar falls for the Korean folk festival.



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