Let us Vigorously Support the Campaign for an Independent and Peaceful Reunification of Korea

July 27, 2021 – July 4, 2022
Let us Vigorously Support the Campaign for an Independent and Peaceful Reunification of Korea

The historic signing of the North-South Joint Statement on July 4, 1972 which clarified the three principles of Korea’s national reunification will be 50 years on July 4, 2022.

This momentous day will be greatly remembered and celebrated in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and by their compatriots in other countries as well as the progressive peoples and organizations in different countries which strongly supported the greatest aspiration of the Korean people for an Independent and Peaceful Reunification in the Korean Peninsula.

The three principles of National Reunification which both sides agreed on July 4, 1972 during the high-level talks are:
1. to settle the questions of national reunification independently on the principle of national self-determination, free from foreign interference,
2. to reunify the country peacefully without recourse to armed force and
3. to promote the great unity of the entire nation by transcending the differences in ideology, ideals and social systems.

The two sides pledged to implement them.  With the signing of the North-South Joint Statement on July 4, 1972,  the Korean people believed that they can launch a dynamic struggle to reunify their country, by implementing the three principles of national reunification.  Moreover, that it is important to uphold the banner of independence and to struggle to make the US troops withdraw from south Korea and to thwart the imperialist Japan militarist scheme of re-aggression that is encouraged by the US imperialist.

While the whole country was in jubilation over the North-South Joint Statement and the possibility of national reunification with its publication, in south Korea disturbing moves were happening against the fundamental spirit of the Joint Statement.  The south Korean authorities who signed the Joint Statement, spoke against it, after the statement was published. They also stated that they cannot trust their destiny on a piece of paper and for them the longer the US occupies south Korea, the better.  They continue to malign the northern half of Korea and to repress the south Korean people who wanted to unify their country.

In the following meeting between the north-south liaison delegates in Panmunjom, the delegate from the south begged the north side to understand the complex internal situation in south Korea.  The north did not believe them. They knew they have to be vigilant since what the south Korean delegate was saying was meant to nullify the North-South Joint Statement itself.

The hostile acts of the imperialist US and Japan against Korea’s independent and peaceful reunification, deprived the Korean people of their lifelong aspiration for national reunification.

It greatly depends on the strong will of the south Korean authorities if they really want an independent and peaceful reunification of Korea By the Nation Itself or remain a colony of the imperialist US and Japan that are against the reunification of Korea.

DPRK calls on the Korean people to be ready for a hard struggle against the enemy. They must continue their struggle for an independent and peaceful reunification and direct their effort on the implementation of the three principles of national reunification put forward by President Kim Il Sung and confirmed by the North-South Statement.

The Korean Armistice Agreement, signed on 27th of July 1953 was a formal agreement of warring parties to ensure a complete cessation of hostilities and all acts of armed force in Korea until a final peaceful settlement is achieved. This was not followed by a Peace Treaty, that will officially end the War. The Armistice Agreement established the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) that runs close to the 38th parallel.  The Armistice Agreement also finalized the repatriation of the prisoners of war.

The US-south Korea war exercises continue until today.  Their latest war exercises took place on March 8-18, 2021 which they called as “annual” and “defensive only” and a computer-based simulation drill to hide its aggressive nature. The US-south Korea drills are directed against the DPRK and are aggressive drills no matter what their excuses are. They held 110 big and small war drills in 2018, more than 190 in 2019 and over 170 in 2020 which broke all their promises to halt such drills.

Launch and Calls of the Campaign

The Philippines-Korea Solidarity and Friendship Society (PKSFS) which is spearheading this Campaign in the Philippines, will officially launch it on July 27th, the End of the Korean War and will culminate on the 50th anniversary of the North-South Joint Statement on July 4, 2022.

The PKSFS CALLS on the Filipino people -  the workers, peasants, youth and students, women, indigenous peoples, the professionals, communities and many others, to be in solidarity with the Korean people by strongly supporting the Campaign CALL for an Independent and Peaceful Reunification Korea.

We strongly encourage your organizations to actively join and organize signature campaigns, study forums, and other activities in solidarity with the Korean people.  Please contact the Secretariat of the PKSFS (see below) if you want to join the campaign and/or become a member of PKSFS. You can also issue solidarity messages/statements to support the campaign.

PKSFS as a member of the Asia Pacific Regional Committee for Peaceful Reunification of Korea (APRCPRK) since its formation in Pyongyang in 2012, encourages progressive organizations to actively participate in the Campaigns and activities of APRCPRK.

PKSFS will regularly inform our counterpart organization, the Korea-Philippines Friendship Society as well as the APRCPRK of our activities related to the Campaign.

It is important that we document all our activities, statements and reports. The Korea-Philippines Friendship Society in Pyongyang will publish them in their national newspapers and even show the videos of our activities for the Korean people to see.  Similarly we will upload them in the PKSFS E-Library and send to media outlets in the country.

Copy of the signatures we gathered will be emailed to the Korea-Philippines Friendship Society, APRCPRK, international bodies that are dealing with these issues and the diplomatic community, including the US and Japanese Embassies.


For your support, please fill this form!

PKSFS Secretariat:
c/o Rm. 201, 2/F, BLVM Bldg, National Council of Churches in the Philippines
879 EDSA, Brgy West Triangle, Quezon City, Philippines

PKSFS Email: pksfs2018@gmail.com
PKSFS E-Library:  phkorea.org
Contact Person:
Norma G. Biñas, Secretary General, PKSFS   
norbin2008@gmail.com/ tel 09217750941   



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